What We Offer
Lead In Your Life
Let's Get You To Your NEXT
Career / Personal Achievement / Activity / Adventure
I will help you identify your next career or personal growth objective and the key steps to get there. I will provide the critical questions and provide practical resources to help you learn from your experiences, to really evaluate what you want going forward and all important outcomes you need to consider to take the leap. I will help you make the most of this unexpected life detour, more clearly lay out the journey to help you live your best life.

Desire for Wendy Champions
In today’s divisive climate, people have grown tired of feeling limited to whatever boxes society has long told them they must live in. From individuals to groups, personally and professionally, a common call from many [women] has swelled into a collective voice that speaks to a desire for something Wendy champions: MORE.
What We Do

Live It!
Life Inspired Club
Subscribe to learn about ways you can Thrive Over 45 and Something New You Should Try. Whether it's a new activity, new place to visit or an new experience, our community will help you get the most out of this amazing time and chapter.
Also check out destinationuwendy on Instagram for inspirational new travel locations, activities or endeavors you should try.

DestinationU Community
Let our community be a part of your Significant Other Circle of support! We will help each other navigate the unique chapter we're in with our kids grown (almost!), with possible changes within our established careers, and in prioritizing our physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health.
Subscribe below or join our Facebook Community to chime in!